What to Expect
THE POWER OF KNOWLEDGEWe will educate you about your condition and what can be done to speed up your recovery.EXPERT HANDS-ON CAREPhysical therapists must first restore normal body movement or biomechanics. Manual therapy is the most efficient and individualized way to restore the normal function of joints and soft tissues. It can provide immediate pain relief, improve movement, and accelerate your rehabilitation.SPECIALIZED EXERCISE TRAININGSpecific exercises tailored to your condition will help you to regain mobility, improve performance, and avoid re-injury. Using principles of neuro-muscular, re-education and Pilates training, you will work one-on-one with a therapist who will guide and correct your movements.CUTTING EDGE TECHNOLOGYModalities are “machines” used in physical therapy which can be very helpful to help control the inflammation and pain levels throughout the rehabilitation process. Other modalities can be used to assist neuro-muscular re-education – that is to retrain muscles to move correctly and help them get stronger faster.CUTTING EDGE TECHNOLOGYModalities are “machines” used in physical therapy which can be very helpful to help control the inflammation and pain levels throughout the rehabilitation process. Other modalities can be used to assist neuro-muscular re-education – that is to retrain muscles to move correctly and help them get stronger faster.Our Services
English, Spanish, French, Serbian, Chinese Cantonese
Free parkingWheelchair accessibleOUR SERVICES
Learn more about the services that we offer at Pro-Health Physical Therapy
2850 Artesia Blvd. Ste 207
Redondo Beach, CA 90278Monday-Friday:
7:30 am to 7 pm
Saturday: 8 am to 4 pmPhone: (310) 371-4774
Fax: (310) 371-3453
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